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UHS Build 12374 Deployed – Coach Updates & Old School Playoffs

January 22nd, 2018 by Stone

UHS Build 12374 – January 2018
I hope your 2018 has started out well! Welcome to the first build release of the year. With BlizzCon and the holiday season we got a bit busy to add new developments to the system and were instead focused on keeping NHL rosters updated daily and putting out bug fixes where needed.

This build focuses mainly on adding in some extra Coach functionality (Losing the Room, Age Rerates, Permission Request limits) and a new Playoff Option: new Two-Game Total-Goal series. We’ve modified the MoveTeam functionality so that Pro, Farm and Junior teams can be moved individually instead having it go only through the Pro team.

Image result for old school hockeyTwo-Game Total-Goals Playoff Series
We have built in the very old school 2-games Total-Goals series: you know, the ones the NHL used pre-Original Six. Selecting this series length will create a home-and-home series where the “home-ice advantage” team will be playing at home first. The visiting team in Game 1 will be the home team for Game 2.

These are the only playoff games that can end in a tie. At the end of Game 2, if the SERIES / AGGREGATE score is tied, we will use whatever OT method the COM has set to decide the series.

Coach Age Rerates
Coaches will now rerate based on the number of seasons they have coached in leagues that are using Age-Rerates. All coaches have a base rerate chance of 20% to increase and 20% to decrease. For each season they coach in (during the regular season), they will get a +1% to their increase chance and +0.20% to their decrease chance. The percentages are applied against each skill individually.

Image result for hockey coach rageCoaches “Losing the Room”
We have added in checks to see if a coach will “lose the room”. For some reason or another a coach can yell and scream, reward and incentivize as much as they want: the players just do not respond. The coach is dead in the water.

In UHS, we are going to look at losing streaks. Specifically Regulation Losses. OT and Shoot-out Losses will not count to the losing streak check when the coach loses the room. For every loss past their 5th-in-a-row, there is a 5% chance the coach will lose the room.  A team that is on a 10-game losing streak will have a 25% chance for the coach to lose the room.

When losing the room, the coach is simply marked as “Disgruntled”. You can no longer re-sign him (except once he’s back on free agency), he provides negative modifiers to player skills during games and will provide a pretty severe rerate penalty (age rerate leagues only) for all players on that team. Once they’ve lost the room, you need to buy them out and find someone new.

Only games in the current regular season and only for the team the coach is currently coaching will be checked. Losses while coaching other teams in the same regular season will not count at all.

Farm Coach Permission Requests
Teams will now have a limited number of Permission Requests to use on Farm Coaches through-out a season. By default, GMs will have 3 permission requests to use during the season. Once the league changes from Play-Offs to Off-Season, the number of permission requests will be reset back to 0.

AutoGM Prospect Training
AutoGMs will now train their junior prospects provided the league allows training. Player skills are weighted in favour of scoring related characteristics. A random characteristic will be chosen and the highest overall skilled player that isn’t already maxed out for that characteristic will be selected for training for that particular point. AutoGMs will also cheat by being allowed to train a player for a given characteristic more than once in a season.

Play-Off Over-Time Options
Going forward, Leagues will no longer be able to have playoff games end in a tie. The options for “Sudden Death OT – 1 period then tie” and “No OT or Shoot-Out” have been removed. Any league that had these options selected will be defaulted to the “Sudden Death OT – 1st goal wins” option.

2-Game Total Series are the exception to this rule as games can end in a Tie. OT for these types of series will only happen in Game 2 and only if the aggregate score is tied.

Move Team Changes
COMs will now have the Move Team option for all Pro, Farm and Junior teams. COMs will need to move the Pro and Farm team separately, one after the other, the order of the move does not matter.

The “Move Arena” option previously included in the move functionality has been removed and needs to be handled as a separate action by the COM.

There will be an option to charge the Pro team a moving cost if the moving team is either Pro or Farm.

Disgruntled Coaches & Rerate Penalties (Hotfix: Jan.17 2018)
Having a disgruntled coach will now apply a -50% penalty for rerates for Age Rerate Leagues only. The penalty is applied to the Increase % to bring it to 0%. Anything remaining from the penalty is then applied to the Decrease % to raise it.

Previously, the only penalty for keeping a disgruntled coach on your farm team was a severe penalty to game performances, which is REALLY bad for Stat Rerate Leagues but pretty much meaningless for Age Rerate Leagues.

Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous Changes
– Fixed an issue where Deflected Shots on goal could also result in a “whiffed” shot, creating an awkward play-by-play situation.
– Public Sites: Team Names in the League Finances & Power pages will now link to the Team’s Home Page.
– Public Sites: Added responsiveness to Championship Series results. Teams in this will also now link to the Team’s Home Page.
– Public Sites: New “Cups” option in the Record Book to show number of Championships a team has won.
– Public Sites: the schedule page will no longer show games that are Not Needed from playoff series.

Hot Fixes
– Fixed an issue where new offers could sometimes not be allowed for other team’s farm coaches. Hotfix: Oct.13 2017.
– Fixed an issue where the presence of All-Star teams were preventing Relegation Leagues from advancing past the Off-Season. Hotfix: Oct.26 2017.
– Fixed an issue where OTW, OTL, SOW and SOL were not being considered when updating a Team’s streak in Live Games. Hotfix: Nov.15 2017.
– Fixed an issue where players having played no games would be considered pro and have the leadership bonus applied to their Rerate Increase change (default Age rerate system only) and ignored the 50% pro GP rule. Thanks for pointing this out David. :)  Hotfix: Dec.22 2017.
– Fixed an issue where players with maximum rating in a skill (9) could rerate down even though they were supposed to rerate up. Applied to Age-Rerate leagues only. Hotfix: Jan.1 2018.
– Fixed an issue where future team draft picks were not being created for Season + 3. Hotfix: Jan.1 2018.
– Fixed an issue where GMs would have an option to move players to the Juniors even if they were beyond the Farm Skill threshold. Hotfix: Jan.5 2018.
– Fixed an issue where coach ownership was not being transferred to the new team when a team was moving. Hotfix: Jan.5 2018.
– Fixed an issue where the *FARM* text tag was not appearing for Farm Coaches under Available Coaches. Hotfix: Jan.17 2018.
– Fixed an issue where the incorrect message was being displayed for a coach’s scouting report when logged into UHS. Hotfix: Jan.18 2018.
– Fixed an issue where a player signed as a RFA was showing the old team name when the old team accepted compensation. Hotfix: Jan.19 2018.

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