BUILD 5008 - November 24 2012
This is just a bug fix release. Most of these were released as hotfixes so they should already be "in play". For the most part all this release does is
update the build number.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed two issues with Free Agency where some players that were bid on may not appear at the top of the list and another issue where making a new bid on a
free agent that had previously declined would result in an error. Released as hotfixes on October 8 2012.
- Fixed an issue where free agents with multiple bids were not appearing properly. They would appear to be signed by a blank team and $Array offer. Released
as hotfix on October 9 2012.
- Fixed an issue where signed free agents would re-appear in the free agency list until the next cron job would run. Released as hotfix on October 9 2012.
- Fixed an issue where retired coaches could still have an impact on a team's performance. Released as hotfix on October 19 2012.
- Fixed an issue where farm team revenue was not being awarded to Pro Teams if their games were being simmed in Live Mode. Released as hotfix on October 30 2012.
- Fixed an issue where Forwards were being assigned to the C spot in lines before LW and RW. Forwards will now be assigned to C > LW > RW before being assigned
back at C on the next line. Released as hotfix on November 1 2012.
- Fixed an issue where teams could have multiple arenas or no arenas assigned to them. This resulted in the simulator returning errors in the cron job.
Default will now be 20000 in this circumstance. Released as hotfix on November 3 2012.
BUILD 4992 - October 2 2012
Free Agency: We've made a slight change to show UHS shows free agents. Previously a GM will go to the Free Agency page and a see all free agents that have had
at least one bid made on them up at the top of the page... even if the bid wasn't made by their team. When loading the Free Agency page now, a GM is only going to
see the free agents that their team made a bid on at the top of the page. All other free agents will now appear to have 0 bids even if they actually do have bids.
This is being done to encourage GMs to research their own talent and not rely on making bids to free agents that maybe only one team is interested in.
Coaches: We've brought coaches back in line with player salary and contract limits. Previously a coach was only allowed to have a contract length of 1 to 6 years
and had a minimum salary of $0.1 million and no upper limit. Now coaches will have the same restrictions that player contracts have.
Bug Fixes
- Several cron jobs were updated to fix issues that were referencing old subscription packages. Released as hotfixes on Sept.18 2012.
- Fixed an issue where toggling the Allow Aging setting would be incorrectly applied to the Allow Rerates setting. Released as hotfix on Sept.23 2012.
- Fixed an issue where rerates were not happening correctly due to new settings not being loaded. Released as hotfix on Sept.23 2012.
- Fixed an issue where farm teams were not generating revenue for their pro teams. Released as hotfix on Sept.23 2012.
- Fixed an issue where an error may appear when creating a random new player. Released as hotfix on Sept.23 2012.
- Fixed an issue where players were not being aged properly. Released as hotfix on Sept.23 2012.
- Fixed an issue where free agents with an offer made more than 24 hours ago would not appear despite the Free Agent Offer Decision Time variable being longer.
- Fixed an issue where making a draft pick would not void any trade proposals that included the used pick.
- Fixed issues concerning coach contract and salary ranges not using the player min / max settings set by the COM.
BUILD 4946 - September 18 2012
UHS Unlocked
We've removed the subscription options for the league in favour of a small one-time fee to Unlock UHS. This means we are discontinuing the Exclusive Cron,
No Ads Individual and No Ads League services.
By Unlocking UHS for a one-time fee of $10 CAD you will now receive:
- Unlimited Seasons (up to 9,999).
- Unlimited Save Points (up to 9,999).
- Unlimited Save Lines (up to 9,999).
Any user in the league can pay the Unlocking fee.. it is no longer restricted to the COM or Owner.
New Toggles / Switches
- COMs can now set whether a player can become a coach upon retirement.
BUILD 4926 - August 30 2012
New Settings / Toggles / Switches
- Game Settings: Toggle whether you wish to allow previously suspended players to play during the pre-season.
- General Settings: Set the decrease and increase percentages for player rerates.
- General Settings: Set whether players can be rerated at the end of a season.
Stats Pages
- Point/Goal/Assist/etc totals are now right aligned for League Player Stats.
BUILD 4889 - August 21 2012
Defunct Teams Greyed Out - In the COM's Team Management tool, teams marked as defunct will now be greyed to help differentiate between active and defunct teams.
Player Name Generation - The previous names available for generation have been removed in favour of names of all professional players from the NHL and WHA
(thanks to the Hockey DB for this). Additionally, names will no longer have the possibility to have the roman numerals from 4 to 10. There is also a small
chance that a last name will have it's country of origin changed to a random country.
Free Agency - The Time Left countdown clock will no longer countdown. Instead it will be a static time left stamp from when the page loads.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where new accounts were unable to be created citing they could not start with 'uhs' despite not actually starting with 'uhs'. This has changed now to
prevent the term 'uhs' from existing ANYWHERE in the account name. Released as hotfix on July 20 2012.
- When there is an error on adding a new account name, the submit button will now be removed. Released as hotfix on July 20 2012.
- Fixed an issue where players being compared will now use the player's scouting report instead of the player's skills if the league has skills hidden. Released as
hotfix on July 26 2012.
- Fixed an issue where AutoGM offers on Free Agents were being duplicated. Released as hotfix on July 30 2012.
- Fixed an issue where players moved from defunct teams into free agency were not being recorded with their names. Released as hotfix on July 30 2012.
- Fixed an issue where the subscription buttons shown when trying to change seasons were showing the old rates. Released as hotfix on August 1 2012.
- Fixed an issue where league websites were not loading properly. This only affected leagues that did not have any subdomains set up. Released as hotfix on August 14 2012.
- Fixed an issue where the Web Template Management page was not detecting whether the league was using a subdomain or not. Released as hotfix on August 14 2012.
BUILD 4872 - July 11 2012
Premium Service Changes:
- Effective immediately we are discontinuing the FTP premium subscription service. As such if there are any options, reports or pages that you would like shown
for your league's web template, please let us know by email or make a post in the UHS General forums.
- Additionally, since FTP is no longer being offered, we are also reducing our premium prices for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual subscriptions. A
monthly subscription will now cost $4.99 CAD / month while an annual subscription will save you a dollar off the monthly rate; you'll have a yearly fee of
$47.88 CAD which works out to $3.99 / month.
- We are also lowering our Save Lines rate to 99 CENTS / month as we are no longer going to have to account for FTP storage / usage.
Incoming Trade Notification: If you have opted in to receive emails from UHS you will now receive an email notification whenever a team you run receives
a new trade proposal.
Free Agency:
- COMs can now set the number of hours it takes before a free agent will sign. The default is 24 hours.
- COMs can now set the number of hours a GM has to wait after a declined free agent offer. This will prevent users from simply hitting refresh and waiting to
hit the 10% minimum chance for signing.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where queuing games with Regular mode would result in a timestamp error. Released as hotfix on July 6 2012.
BUILD 4839 - July 5 2012
This build was dedicated to pretty much only one thing: Save Lines.
GMs will now have the ability to save their pro and farm team custom lines. Some notes about this new feature:
- Save as many lines as you want.
- Lines will be stored based on your user name, pro/farm team and line type (3- or 4-Line).
- Load your lines with a single click.
- Save Lines is a premium service and is available by subscription on a per-user basis only.
To make room for the new Save Lines feature, we've temporarily removed the Swap Lines feature. I really don't know how long it will be until Swap Lines comes
back since no one really seemed to care about seeing it go away. Although the addition of Save Lines would pretty much remove the need for Swap Lines.
BUILD 4822 - July 1 2012
Happy Canada Day!
This is primarily a bug-release build, however, we are happy to announce that the All Players and All Goaltenders stats pages are now sortable by column header.
Click the column header to sort by that stat, then click it again to reverse the order.
Additionally, you will now find a "Compare Player" button on the player profile page. Clicking this will allow you to compare that player against any active
player in your league.
Bug Fixes
- To help address the issue of roster/line errors not showing up correctly, we've added additional functionality to the roster/line checker code before a game is
simmed. If there is an error at that time, the team will then be flagged (or re-flagged) to allow the COM to fix the issue. Previously, the COM would need to
wait for the GR/CL checking job to run in order to correct the issue.
- Fixed an issue where AutoGM teams would not be able to select any player during the very late stages of an inaugural draft. This issue would happen more when
there were limited players available for selection.
- Fixed an issue where queued live games could result in 0-0 scores if the date/time format was invalid. Further checks for a valid date/time have been added.
BUILD 4802 - June 24 2012
This build is relatively small. It has centered mainly around changes to the Premium Package and services we offer.
Premium Package: There is only one Premium Package now. We have rolled in Exclusive Cron Jobs, FTP Access, No-Ads League, and Unlimited SavePoints into one
package for a low monthly price of $9.99. Of course, we will continue to unlock Unlimited Seasons for free for subscribing for at least a month.
We are also offering different payment frequencies. The longer the frequency, the lower the monthly cost:
Monthly: $9.99 / month
Quarterly: $8.99 / month (you are billed $26.97 every 3 months).
Semi-Annually: $7.99 / month (you are billed $47.94 every 6 months).
Annually: $6.99 / month (you are billed $83.88 once a year).
You will still continue to be able to purchase unlimited seasons separately for a one-time fee of $9.99 and No-Ads Individual for $1.99 / month.
Sim Engine Changes
We made a few changes to help improve scoring and shots numbers:
- We've reduced the chance to flub a shot. You'll likely see less of these events.
- Slightly reduced the chance for shots to miss the net.
- Reduced the number of seconds per cycle to increase the number of cycles per game.
Goalie Fatigue: This will now appear next to the goalie's name in the Game Roster drop-down for goalies. This was accidentally removed during the previous build.
Release Players: COMs can now release players. A player being released will be placed in Free Agency as a UFA.
New Report - Player Streaks: COMs now have access to a new report to show them the Hot or Cold streak that players are on in their league.
Unprotected Players: For leagues going through Expansion Drafts, the GM will have a new tool to show them all unprotected players. This will show for all
leagues, however, it really is only useful during expansion drafts (which are handled manually by the COM).
Career Stat - Retired / Active Toggle: You can now toggle whether to show retired players in the career stats section.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where retired players were appearing for selection for team's game rosters. Released as hotfix on June 18 2012.
- Fixed an issue where setting lines would result in an error. Released as hotfix on June 18 2012.
- Fixed an issue where a GM setting their farm lines would take them to their pro lines and give them a "no duplicates" error. Released as hotfix on June 18 2012.
- Fixed an issue where a GM setting their farm PK lines in 3-Line format would give them a "no duplicates" error. Released as hotfix on June 19 2012.
- Fixed an issue where the Height and Weight column headers were not appearing for the Available Prospects report.
BUILD 4769 - June 17 2012
No Need for Account Hopping!
Are you running your own league by yourself? Or do you need to go and manually set one of your GM's rosters and can't use the Auto-Correct feature? The only way you
could do that was to create a separate account and assign it to the team in question, then log into that account, do your work, then log back into the COM account
to sim the games.
Not anymore! All COMs are now able to access a team's Game Roster, Game Lines and Shootout List from the Team Management area. Simply click on the team name you want
to maintain and you'll find these three new links in the Team Options menu in the left table of contents. I can tell you personally that this saved me a BUNCH of
time while we were simming the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Save-Point Refresh Button
COMs now have a refresh button available to allow them to simply click to see the updated status of any of their savepoint load or save jobs. The button is located
right beside the Help button.
Creating Makeweights
I wanted to comment a bit on the makeweight creation options. Now that Forwards have been introduced creating makeweights for a team is a bit more tricky. Since a
player can potentially be a F it means that the vacant spot may not necessarily be filled when the new player is created. But if you go to create makeweights a
second time the remaining spots should be filled appropriately... although I have seen some cases where a third round may be necessary for teams that got completely
decimated by injuries and suspensions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where trades appearing in the Recent Incoming and Recent Outgoing would have a date of Dec.31 1969. Released as hotfix on April 29 2012.
- Fixed an issue where teams could not see other free agent coaches. Released as hotfix on April 30 2012.
- When multiple teams have the same highest bid on a free agent the winner will be randomly chosen from those teams. Released as hotfix on May 4 2012.
- Fix an issue where the farm team game roster set was not properly considering the new Forward position. Released as hotfix on May 4 2012.
- Fixed an issue where blog entries would not properly display an embedded youtube video. Released as hotfix on May 9 2012.
- Fixed an issue where the Team Buy Makeweight option would not return the correct number of makeweights to create for the individual team.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the GR link in the COM Team Management page would not fix the roster if the team had a F player.
- Fixed an issue where the Makeweight Drafter would not show the proper teams or positions needed.
- Fixed an issue where the Auto-Correct All Rosters & Lines buttons would not consider the new F position.
- Fixed an issue where GMs would have the option to put a player on waivers even if they were already on waivers.
BUILD 4724 - April 29 2012
This build was focused primarily on ease of life and UI enhancements. Being a GM in a league I found there were quite a few things I found myself wanting / needing
and found myself constantly switching back and forth between UHS and my league's site (yes... 3 founds... I'm aware of that grammar nazis). Besides that there
were a few developments I wanted to knock off the list while I was in there as they had been lingering or I really needed them in to help with simming the 2012
We are introducing the new "Forward" position. We all know there are a few guys out there that can play any of the C-LW-RW spots so this position will represent that.
It is not intended to create leagues full of Forwards or eliminate the C-LW-RW positions as I believe those are vital to overall team strategies but is more intended
as a bonus.
- The Forward position will be represented with a F.
- Anytime a player is created that could be a C-LW-RW there is a 10% chance they will instead become a F.
- Forwards can occupy any C-LW-RW position in the game roster or custom lines with no position penalties.
- Commissioners have the option to change a player's position to F when they edit a player.
- I intentionally did not add a toggle for this position as I believe it should be an added strategic piece for all leagues.
GM Personnel
- A Player's Height and Weight will now be shown.
- The Personnel section is now sorted as C - LW - RW - F - D - G instead of by Position. This will allow us to group the forwards at the top instead of having them
interspersed throughout the page.
GM Trade Centre
There were a bunch of things added / changed here. Previously only having two views (Incoming and All Trades) made things a bit heavy for trying to sort through all
the trades a GM could potentially make. Speaking from first-hand use these changes should dramatically improve a GM's experience in sorting through and dealing
with trades.
- The Make Trade option is now available above all Trade Centre lists / reports.
- GMs now have a Recent Incoming and Recent Outgoing link. These will show all trades from the last 30 days.
- GMs now have a Recently Resolved link. This will show all trades that have been resolved within the last 7 days going forward. Trades resolved prior to this
build being released will not be picked up.
- GMs now have a All Unresolved link. This will show all trades that are either Not Viewed or Viewed.
- GMs now have a Latest Trades link. This will show all Unresolved trades as well as trades that were actioned within the last 7 days. Again, trades actioned
prior to this build being released will not be picked up.
- The Latest Trades section is now the default location a GM is taken to when clicking on the Trade Centre menu item or Trade Alert link.
- A link has been added for Trade Alerts.
Scouting Changes
Several Scouting Report changes have been made in addition to the Available Prospects section in the Entry Draft area.
- Scouting Reports older than 2 seasons will no longer be deleted.
- All scouting reports are now available for a given player by looking at the Player Profile and clicking on the Scouting tab.
- COMs will not be able to view scouting reports when viewing a player profile if their league is set to hide skills.
- Coach skills will now be shown on the Coach's profile if their league is set to show skills.
- The Entry Draft page for GMs will now have links to the player profile for any given player.
- The Available Prospects section has been split up into Skaters and Goalies.
- The Available Prospects section will now show the height, weight, skill class, and previous season's statistics for any given player.
- The Player Search text field now has focus once the page loads so you can start typing right away instead of having to click into the text box.
Alert Changes:
- The Salary Cap and Roster / Lines warnings that appear in the GM's alert section will no longer be shown when the league is in the Off-Season.
- Roster / Line warnings no longer appear in the COM's alert section if the league is in the Off-Season.
COM Team Management:
- COMs will no longer see GR/CL errors for defunct teams.
- COMs can now view a team's finances and ledger. Clicking on a team name will bring up the Team Options submenu in the table of contents. The Finance and Ledger
links are there.
- Junior teams that cannot fill a game roster will now automatically create their own players (by cron job) and correct the game roster without requiring the COM
to manually do so.
COM Create Player UI: The Skaters option is now renamed Any Skater.
Simultaneous Updates: We've added a setting to indicate whether a game is currently being simmed in an effort to prevent games from being simmed by two people
(or jobs) at the same time. This would usually result in a single game being simmed twice or even three times.
Standings Change: The previous season's regular season standings will be shown if your league is in the Off-Season.
Award Names: COMs can now edit award names. They also have an option to have the name change be applied recursively instead of going forward.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the automated set up of new leagues. Released on April 20 2012.
- When GMs change their password this will also update their user information in the league's Members table. Released on April 20 2012.
- Fixed an issue where a comma would sometimes appear in a trade line for the Activity Report.
- Fixed an issue where the Show All Players section in GM Scouting for leagues with skills shown will now appear properly.
- Fixed an issue where changing to a previous season's Scouting Report list will no longer take you to the Player Search page.
- Debugging information is no longer shown when a player refuses a contract offer to hold out for free agency.
- Fixed an issue with the css styles for Show All Coaches in the GM Scouting area for leagues with skills shown.
BUILD 4548 - April 15 2012
This is more of a functional / behind-the-scenes build... we needed to make a few changes in the back-end to more or less keep myself sane.
New Support System
What we're looking at now is the introduction of the osTicket system. The form that previously appeared on the home page will now only appear
if you are logged into UHS. Your username and league information will automatically be attached to the form when you submit your issue.
If you are not logged in you can send an email to us at uhs AT and a ticket will automatically be created for you. You can
continue to use our Technical Issues forum to submit your issues. When a ticket is created you will receive a notification email with your
ticket number. You can use this to log into our ticket system site at and enter both your email address and ticket
number to view or update your ticket.
Ticket Responders
Your ticket will get a response from one of our volunteers, either Nick or Trevor. Another BIG thank you to them for helping me out. In cases where
they can't answer a question they will re-assign the issue to me to have a look at.
SubDomains are no longer offered as part of the free UHS service. In order to get a subdomain for your league you will now need to subscribe to
either the FTP service or the Premium Package. Leagues that currently have a subdomain can rest assured that you will continue to have this for
free... you are being grand-fathered in.
Any players still going through waivers at the end of a season (meaning when the season changes from Play-Off to Off-Season) will automatically be
removed. This is being done to close a bit of a gap in sneaking players down to the minors without having them go through waivers again.
Playoff Series Start Date
COMs will now see a Series Start Date field beside their "Create Games" button. This is being done more as a quick-fix to address an issue where game dates
would be WAY off for playoff games.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the player getting penalized for stopping a breakaway would be allowed to take a shot on goal immediately afterwards. Released as
hotfix on March 6 2012.
- Fixed an issue where a different player could be penalized when a penalty is called from a breakaway. Released as hotfix on March 6 2012.
- Fixed an issue where weird penalties could be called from breakaways... (like Delay of Game). Released as hotfix on March 6 2012.
- Fixed an issue where all penalties would be negated if a power-play goal was scored. Released as hotfix on March 6 2012.
- Fixed an issue where incomplete lines would not get detected as an error.
- Fixed an issue where the play by play entry was missing when a player receives a game misconduct after a check.
- Fixed an issue where PlayOff game dates would not appear in the proper order.
BUILD 4512 - February 27 2012
New Home Page Layout for UHS
The biggest change you're going to see here is re-design for the UHS home page. We've put the emphasis on the blog as we're resurrecting that bad-boy!
What makes it a little different this time around is that we're integrating it into UHS. Currently we do not have the comment system working on it,
however, our intention is to eventually tie in the UHS Forums to handle this. We've also changed the forums theme away from the Red darker style
to the blue ad lighter style.
We're also showing the 10 most recent posts from either the UHS General or Hockey Talk forums. In addition to this, you'll also see any open technical
issues and the Support Contact form. To round things out we've thrown in the development wishlist for UHS. If you are NOT logged in you'll see the
New League creation form, however, if you are logged in you'll see an advertisement (unless you have subscribed to NoAds) and your league's communication
Your regular home pages have moved and can now be found in the table of contents... they're right at the top and appropriately labeled GM Home and COM Home.
Game Rosters: When correctly setting your roster or custom lines, any errors previously appearing will no longer be shown. Previously these messages were
set based on a cron job.
Login Area: When users are logged in the upper-right area will now appear in a green box to further indicate the user is logged in.
- Fixed an issue where manual suspensions may not set the team's custom lines as having an error. Released as hotfix on February 18 2012.
- Fixed a second issue where manual suspensions would not set the team's game roster as having an error. Released as hotfix on February 24 2012.
BUILD 4470 - February 18 2012
This is more of a technical update / review release. It includes some table reorganization and security updates as well as (hopefully) a fix to queued games
getting hung.
Coach Free Agency: Coaches will now appear and be available for offers immediately after a season has changed. Previously coaches were only available
for bids in the new season when the league hit the free agency start time.
League Settings - Communication: Changed the "Your GMs See This" header to use standard UHS styles.
Live Games: The play-by-play will now scroll at a rate of once every 3 seconds, down from 3.5 seconds. This is done to try and get the live game to be
finished within the hour.
Player Profiles
- The Rerate Potential item will now appear above the Last Rerate item.
- The Rerate Potential item now has two new descriptions:
- Increase: +3 or more point expected rerate
- Minor Increase: +1 or +2 point expected rerate
- No Change: 0-point expected rerate
- Minor Decrease: -1 or -2 point expected rerate
- Decrease: -3 or more point expected rerate
Sim Engine
- Removed the Concussion injury type as the wording looked a bit weird.
- Fixed an issue where all-star teams were being checked as 3Line instead of 4Line format. Released as hotfix on February 9 2012.
- Fixed an issue where the Schedule Management tool would sometimes detect more teams than were actually available in a Conference / Division.
Released as hotfix on February 9 2012.
- The manual suspension page will now be titled "Manual Suspensions" instead of "Trade Central".
- When manually suspending a player, the team will now properly show they have a game roster or custom line error if they are currently
listed in either of those areas.
- The abbreviation label will now appear when you edit a team.
- Fixed an issue where junior teams would not be flagged as having a roster error from a suspension. This only applied to leagues that were
using manual suspensions.
- Fixed an issue where injuries would sometimes appear to be blank.
- Fixed an issue where coaches returning from retirement would not show the coach's name in the league activity report.
- Fixed an issue that prevented commissioners from adding players by NHL teams.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some awards from being assigned to a player.
- Fixed an issue where viewing a player's awards in his profile would cause page formatting problems.
- The truck icon will no longer appear in the Team Management area if your league is not in the OffSeason.
- Fixed an issue where all-star games played in live mode would not update the player's individual game stats.
- Fixed an issue where GMs would not be allowed to set shoot-out lists during the pre-season.
- Fixed an issue where the Last Result in the GM's Upcoming Games list will now appear blank if your team has never played the opponent.
BUILD 4159 - February 4 2012
Auto-GM Draft Picks: Auto-GMs will now use a ratio to make their draft picks. This will prevent Auto-GM teams from loading up on goaltenders
and will lead to more balanced selections.
GM Personnel Page:
- Player's Hot or Cold streaks will now appear after the player's name.
- In leagues where skills are hidden, the scouting report will now use a smaller font size and will wrap in order to reduce excessive horizontal scrolling.
- The Action drop-down will now use a smaller font size to help reduce excessive horizontal scrolling.
- Players with insufficient skill to generate a scouting report will now appear as a blank Scouting Report in the personnel area only. Since all players
owned by a team must have a scouting report having text appear indicating there was no discernible skill made these players blend in with those that
actually had reports (especially short reports).
- Player's skill classes will now be shown next to the player's scouting report when skills are hidden for your league.
- The gold stars that appear when a player has a skill class of any kind has been removed temporarily.
- GMs now have the ability to create / purchase makeweights. This should only be used if you are unable to secure a player via other means to fill out your roster.
Head-to-Head: Commissioners now have the option to switch between pro, farm and junior teams when simming games using the head-to-head feature. You may
only sim games with teams at the same level... you cannot sim a pro team against a farm or junior team. There are no plans to allow this in the future as
it would mean significant changes in our engine.
News/Alerts: Warnings and alerts appearing in the League News & Messages area will now appear either bold red or bold green. The COM message will still
show up with whatever font/style the COM set it as.
Player Injuries: Players will now have a chance to have extended injuries. The chance is directly related to their IJ skill. The number of extra games
is also directly related to their IJ skill. Teams with Medical Facilities will have their number of games applied after the Extra Injury Games determination
is made.
Player Weight Changes: Players will now have a chance to gain or lose 1-5 pounds between seasons.
- Scouting a team will now show the player's skill class if your league has skills hidden.
- You can now scout players from the Scout Team area with one-click.
- A player's wage will now be shown when viewing players in the Scout Team area.
Settings-Communication: The communication for GMs will now be shown to COMs in this section. This will allow the COM to tweak their message without
needing to log in as a GM to view it.
Stats-Schedule: The schedule now shows the game day's date.
Un-Drafting Players: Commissioners now have the ability to 'Un-Draft' a player that was selected in the current season's entry or inaugural draft.
The COM will see a drop-down list of players that have been picked already. Simply select the player you wish to undraft and they'll be placed back
in the draft pool. The draft record will NOT be modified, even though they can (and likely will) be selected twice in the same draft. Similarly, the
player's record will show they've been drafted multiple times. This tool in intended to correct mistakes and should not be used "willy-nilly".
- GMs will now see a message when their farm team has a roster or line error.
- Teams will no longer be fined for exceeding the cap when simming games via the queue.
- Fixed an issue where the player and team selection lists would not be populated during the Inaugural or Entry Draft if it was an AutoGM's turn to pick.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes sim games would not update and result in an infinite loop for the sim cron job. Fixed and released on February 4 2012 @
10:27am Eastern.
BUILD 4123 - January 15 2012
UHS Premium Services Price Changes: We have changed many of our subscription prices to sync with a new sponsor. If you have ever been interested in
getting premium services now is the time to sign up.
Premium Package: now $14.99 / month and is a $30 value.
Exclusive Cron Jobs: price stays the same at $4.99 / month.
FTP Access: now $4.99 / month down from $9.99.
No-Ads League: now $4.99 / month down from $9.99.
No-Ads Individual: now $1.99 / month down from $2.99.
Unlimited Save Points: now $4.99 / month down from $9.99.
Auto-Play is now Queue: Due to time-out and memory limitations on how browsers interact with our servers it's become necessary to Queue large numbers of
games to be simmed. Instead of Auto-play you will now queue these games up. A job will be run once every 15 minutes (on the quarter-hour) that will sim any
queued games. If you have subscribed to the Exclusive Cron Jobs premium service, this job will run once a minute.
Imbalanced Conferences / Divisions: Thanks to the NHL we are going to have imbalanced conferences and divisions (or thanks to the NHLPA we won't...).
We've made changes to support this. When creating a schedule, the generator will use the smallest conferences/divisions as it's base-line. Teams in the
larger conferences / divisions will have games randomly removed against teams in their own division until they are playing the same number of games as teams
in the smaller divisions.
Additionally, you will no longer be able to create league structures where the difference of number of teams in each division is greater than 1. For example you
could not have 4 divisions composed of 6, 8, 8, 8 teams, however, the new NHL composition of 7, 7, 8, 8 is okay since the different between the highest and
lowest division is only 1.
File Uploads: This functionality is no longer available as it posed some potential security concerns. The functionality was really only being used by one
league and at that only a handful of people. If you did use this functionality you will now need to set your roster through the UHS roster screens.
Penalty Shots / Shoot-Outs: The old shoot-out logic worked okay for the first few rounds, however, it was heavily favoured towards the goaltender...
so much so that after about round 5 or so, the goaltender will ALWAYS win, meaning rounds 5 to 18 is just a waste of time. New logic has been implemented
that will allow any player to possibly score on any given attempt. Skill still absolutely plays a part in the shot result determination.
Player Streaks Are Back: You asked for it. You got it. Player Hot and Cold Streaks will now appear on their profile page.
Chemistry Adjustment: It's looking like teams are taking advantage of the huge bonus granted by having excellent chemistry (as they should). Unfortunately
this has a side-effect of having unbeatable teams again. We've changed the maximum positive and negative chemistry modifiers from +/- 5 points to +/- 4 points.
We are continuing to monitor game debug files to ensure we don't go back down the road of having super-teams again.
- Fixed an issue where errors would appear on the Waivers screen when there was no one else allowed to make a claim. Released as hotfix on December 20 2011.
- Fixed an issue where players with waiver claims would have incorrect priority lists. Released as hotfix on December 25 2011.
- Fixed an issue where the offensive team would always have a +10% bonus to their rolls. Released as hotfix on January 4 2012.
- Fixed an issue where Coach Profile stats would always show GP as 0.
- Fixed an issue where Coach Profile stats would show a blank team if they were not currently under contract.
- Fixed an issue where some shoot-outs could cause UHS to crash.
- Fixed an issue where scouting a coach results in a slightly different outcome when the coach is owned by your team and when he is not. Released as hotfix on January 9 2012.
- Fixed an issue where players with spaces in their last names would only show the first part of the name in the Penalty and Scoring summary for Live Games.
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