BUILD 1888 - October 29 2010
Auto GM
Commissioners now have the option of setting a pro team to be run via AutoGM. The AutoGM will analyze any incoming trades and decide whether they are very
beneficial for their team. Marginally beneficial trades will not be accepted by the AutoGM. AutoGMs will also send off a trade or two to another team.
At this point in time the AutoGM will only initiate a one for one trade.
AutoGM teams will also always accept RFA compensation as it typically comes in the form of draft picks.
AutoGM teams will also attempt to re-sign their players if they have 0-years remaining (typically during the off-season and before free agency begins).
The AutoGM will also make Entry Draft selections on its own. For each UHS page load, the next AutoGM team to pick will make their selection. Due to how the
script runs it is possible to have more than one AutoGM make their pick on each page load. If you have many AutoGM teams it will be a fairly common occurrence
to see two or even three AutoGM draft selections made on each page load.
The AutoGM will check its roster on each pageload. If there are any issues, the AutoGM will determine if there are any players available from the farm. If not,
the AutoGM will check Free Agency and make a bid if there is enough time to have the bid clear before the day of the next game. If there aren't any players
available from free agency, the AutoGM will then look to waivers to fill the empty spot. A waiver claim will only be made if there is enough time to have the
claim cleared before the day of the next game. As a last resort, the AutoGM will create a makeweight player to fill the vacant spot.
The same rules apply when the AutoGM checks its farm roster. The only difference is that the AutoGM will not look towards free agency or waivers to fill vacant
farm roster positions. The AutoGM will only look for pro players not already in a game roster spot or go directly to makeweights.
The AutoGM will check the goaltenders assigned to their pro and farm rosters and ensure their goalies are not played past their fatigue limits.
When pro or farm rosters have errors the AutoGM may not be able to correct them on a single page load. It may be necessary for you to navigate around the site
(generating page loads) before the AutoGM can fully correct their rosters.
If a user's team is marked as an AutoGM team, that user will no longer be able to log in for that team until the COM removes the AutoGM setting.
Overall, the AutoGM is meant as a temporary GM for a team when one is needed. The AutoGM will seek to maintain previously signed players, accept compensation and
make relatively beneficial trades.
Live Games
Live games no longer require a user to constantly hit refresh. The page will now automatically reload once the game has started.
The statistics area will now default to show you the current standings for your league. You will be able to navigate through the different stats and options by
using the navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Fixed an issue where players involved with RFA compensation deals will be automatically marked as Pro players.
- Fixed a bug with the Commissioner's Home page to address the formatting of transactions in the Activity Report.
- Fixed a bug where the schedule generator would gain time.
- Fixed a bug where the new Financial projections tool was looking at all games for a team even if they had been completed. (August 25 2010).
- Fixed a bug where Farm team line types were not being checked. The default 3-Line format was always being used. (August 28 2010).
- Fixed a bug where new player last names could have been blank. (August 28 2010).
- Fixed an issue where old IM messages were not being deleted from the database. (August 28 2010).
- Fixed an issue where farm teams using 4Line custom line types were defaulting to 3Line. (September 2 2010).
BUILD 1788 - August 25 2010
COM Interfaces
Commissioners now have the ability to view waivers and free agents as a GM does. The COM will not be able to take any action in these pages. In fact, these pages
used are the exact same scripts that the GMs use to view their waivers and free agents.
Contract Offers (Players)
The Commissioner now has the ability to set the number of hours that must elapse after a declined contract offer. By default this will be set to 20 hours as this
will give a GM an opportunity to log back in at around the same time the previous day and give it another shot. Previously this was hard-coded to 24 hours
which meant the GM would continually push the next offer time forward as the GM could never offer a new contract exactly 24 hours after the previously declined one.
GM Interfaces
The Free Agency and RFA Compensation pages have now been updated to use the new UHS 2.5 style sheets.
The Finances section will now show money a team has either received or sent via trades. Money moves via trades prior to this change will still appear in the Revenue -
Awards and Expenses - Fees categories.
Your ledger has now been changed so the most recent transactions will appear at the top of the page.
League Rules
Teams will now be able to see all of their league's settings as determined by the Commissioner. This option is located in the GM's Menu.
Player Name Generation
To honour the first 150 Canadian soldiers fallen in Afghanistan, we have added their first and last names in our name generation depository. This brings us to 5.4 million
unique name combinations. We have added a little extra something to last name generation as well... hyphenations and Jr, Sr, and Roman Numerals.
Pro / Farm Movements
Upon further investigation, we're now allowing GMs to move players to the farm or back to pro (from the farm) at anytime during the season other than OffSeason.
Just a reminder that upon the change to the Regular Season, all players at or under the Max Age for Protection (default 23 y/o) are automatically moved down to the farm team.
Revenue Generation Logic Change
We have removed the "gate modifier" from the revenue generation calculation. Foremost we've found that it is very easy to make money in UHS. Despite Scouting fees,
Medical expenses, Arena maintenance expenses, teams are able to generate millions in profit. I don't believe this is reflective of reality as primarily ticket
sales help pay for player salaries (which should eat a huge chunk of team revenue).
Signing Old RFAs
There is a current "gap" (not really a bug) where if you are the winning bidder on your former RFA, you will still be asked whether you want to accept compensation
(from yourself) or keep the player. The code has been modified to automatically sign the RFA and skip the compensation process.
Jon has given the old Web Templates an overhaul. I've had to make a few tweaks here and there to integrate it into UHS so the COM can select their options, but the
credit for the design and overall functionality goes to Jon. League will automatically default to use the "ice" style, although COMs will have the option to select
one of the other styles: black, blue, green or red.
- Additional logic has been added to the cron job script to search for and remove players that have 0-year contracts and move them into free agency. These players will be
removed from their teams.
- Fixed an issue with the Career Stats viewer that prevented anyone from seeing anything other than regular season pro career stats.
- Career Stats for juniors will now show the player's junior team instead of their current pro team.
- The Entry Draft tool has been fixed. Previously a bug was discovered that prevented a GM from selecting a player with a draft pick that was not originally theirs unless
they were ranked first overall.
- Scouting a team will no longer show retired players.
- Fixed an issue where teams could not make more than one claim, despite whatever number the COM had set.
- Fixed a bug where the salary cap warning would not appear to the COM unless another warning was being displayed.
BUILD 1717 - July 28 2010
GM User Interface
- Updated the Entry Draft page to use the new style. This was missed in the previous build.
- The Contract Offer and Buy-out/Release Player sections were updated to use the new style. This was missed in the previous build.
- Salary Cap alerts will now appear in bold red.
- When using the Player Protection tool, you will now see a message at the top of the page indicating the action that was just performed. You will no longer
need to click Player Protection to see the full list of actions available.
- Unresolved trades will now appear high-lighted and bold in the Trade Centre / All Activity section.
- Removed the link to the Available Prospects from the Scouting submenu as one already existed in the Entry Draft submenu.
Player Contracts
- When making an offer to a player there is now a min/max applied. On calculation, if the signing factor is less than 10%, it will be bumped up to 10%.
Similarly if the signing factor is over 90%, it will be lowered back to 90%. This will ensure that poor teams will have some sort of chance at signing
players and power teams will have some chance at failing to sign.
- Previously, the 10% minimum signing factor was only applied to Free Agency. The Min/Max of 10/90 now applies on all player contract offers and free agency offers.
- Corrected the message where a player declined a contract and held out for free agency. Previously the message was exactly the same as the "refuses to
negotiate" message. Two different scenarios.
Commissioner's Tools
- Commissioners will now be alerted if there are any teams with a payroll exceeding the league salary cap.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where player moves for duplicate entry draft picks were failing.
- Fixed a bug where contract offers may not have set a player as an RFA even though they had qualified.
- Corrected an error that showed divide by zero warnings when changing from one season to another. Related to the new Ice Time Avg factor introduced in a
previous build. (released July 24 2010).
- Corrected an error preventing COMs from adding or removing player skill classes. (released on July 24 2010).
- Fixed an error where most, if not all, players would rerate up after a given season. (released on July 25 2010).
- Fixed an error where a player's deke goals factor was being divided by the new IceTimeFactor instead of multiplied. (released on July 25 2010).
BUILD 1698 - July 23 2010
GM Style Changes
Most of, if not all, the GM screens for UHS have been updated to use the new css. It will look pretty much the same but will feel a little more clean than before.
I've taken some care to make sure we went away from cramming things onto the screen as much as possible... in some cases, I had no choice (see Player Profile stats).
I will eventually apply the new style to the COM/Owner screens but I admit it's not high up on the chain of things to do. There are far more GMs than COMs or Owners,
so I wanted to be sure that the style fit with the majority of our users before applying it completely.
While I primarily use Chrome for UHS, I have taken some care to ensure that both IE and FF will look approximately the same. There are subtle differences but those are
things we can't get around easily. I'd say only 1-2% of the site is different between IE/FF vs. Chrome. Notables are: in FF the Live Game goals and shot trackers are
a smaller font. in IE, tables cannot be rounded.
Table of Contents
There have been a few small changes here:
- All Entry Draft links have been removed from the Personnel sub-menu.
- The Trade Centre now has a sub-menu.
Game Roster
The Game Roster has undergone a significant UI change. It has been flipped more on it's side and should feel a little more clean than it did before.
- Your team's personnel page has now been split into Pro, Farm and Junior. The navigation tabs are all located at the top of the page. No information
changes have been made... it will just feel a little different.
- The Manage Coach section has been redesigned to have all of the necessary information and tools available at the top of the screen.
Scouting / Player Search
The Player Search now has a type-ahead function available. When you start typing in a player's name (first or last) a list of the top-10 matches will be
displayed in a drop-down. Simply click on one of those options and you'll be taken directly to the player's profile page. Additionally, when submitting
a search for a first and last name, your search will now actually work (huzzah!). It will simply split your search into first and last name based on the
first "space" character you enter.
Stats Central
The biggest changes to the UI will be found here. I had hinted before that I hated the mass of perma-links and useless stats sitting on the screen.
- The main screen links have all been removed in favour of drop-down selections. You may select Season, Season Type, League Level and Statistic.
- The League Standings section has also been heavily changed to remove the glut of useless statistics. All critical stats have been rolled up into the league
standings table and have been designed to emulate the standings on
- League Player Stats have also been heavily altered. Only four offensive stats and four defensive stats will be shown.
- Goalies have been removed from the "All Players" stat view and have been given their own stat view available in the drop down.
- The Play-Off Tree has been updated a bit to be a little more stylish than before.
Trade Centre
The Trade Centre has undergone quite a few changes:
- The Recent Outgoing Trades list has been removed.
- The Trade Centre main page will now only give you an option to make a trade and view the Recent Incoming Trades for your team.
- You now have the ability to view All Activity. This will pull all trades that apply to your team since your team was created. You will be able to see the
results of Outgoing Trades (decline comments, etc) here.
- The Make Trade and View Trade screens have changed to be more "grid-like" and sectioned.
Behind the Scenes
There were a lot of changes made to the javascript and style sheets that were being loaded. While I'm not 100% satisfied, I'm fairly pleased with the cleaning
I was able to do. There were quite a few javascript functions that really were not needed. Additionally, as I went through updating the style for each page
I was also keeping an eye out for ways to optimize the code a little better than what it was before.
Bug Fixes
- Player Profiles will now correctly show a player's movement history.
- Fixed an issue where a blank advertisement in the Live Game / Instant Replay would be shown. (released June 17 2010).
- Fixed an issue where the live game shot tracker would increment after a shot was taken and the play would stop. (released June 17 2010).
- Fixed an issue where each game created for the playoffs would happen on it's own game day. (released July 3 2010).
- Fixed an issue where leagues could not add new teams. (released July 6 2010).
- Fixed an issue where GMs could not change their ticket prices. (released July 6 2010).
- Fixed a syntax error in the league creation script. (released July 12 2010).
- Fixed an error with Instant Replays available through Around the League. (released July 13 2010).
- Fixed an error with Live Games being joined in progress. (released July 13 2010).
BUILD 1514 - June 16 2010
Player Streaks
- Player streak determination logic has been changed. One of the key things we've done is select a handful of stats and assigned points to them. A
check is made against this factor and if it passes your player's streak will change (with an exception). In cases where your player is already on the
same type of streak that they successfully made a check against (he's on a hot streak and passed the hot streak factor check for today's game), no change
will be made to the player's streak or number of games on the streak. Additionally, if a player is on a hot streak and successfully passes the cold
streak check they will automatically come off the hot streak, but let's be clear... they will NOT be on a cold streak. A player cannot go from Hot to
Cold in one game. They can either go from Hot to No-Streak or Cold to No-Streak. It would require another game played (and successful streak check)
to have the player go to Hot or Cold.
- It is key to note that Player streaks will now have a fixed number of games. The player is guaranteed (with one exception) to be on a hot or cold streak for
a randomly determined number of games. The only way to break a streak is to successfully pass the streak check for the opposite streak a player is on.
- After every game a team plays, all players, regardless of whether they played, will lose one game off their streak.
- GMs are no longer able to see whether a player is on a hot or cold streak. This information is treated the same as the chemistry field. If you notice
an improvement in a player's stats it's likely he's on a hot streak and likewise for a cold streak.
Commissioner Controls
- Commissioners can now control the number of rounds they have in their inaugural draft. The feature is only available while your league is in Season 1 -
OffSeason. If you have advanced your league into the PreSeason or beyond you will not be able to access the field.
Career Statistics
- Career Stats for Players and Goalies are now available in the statistics area. There will be a Career Statistics link for Pro, Farm and Junior in both the
Regular season and Playoffs.
Game Statistics
- The Game Results page has undergone a bit of a face-lift. The Scoring Summary, Penalty Summary, Team Player Stats, Finances and Powerplays are now located
by using the new navigation tabs. We have intentionally removed the Play-By-Play "Wall of Text" as you now have the option of viewing a game via
instant replay.
- Player Names in the Team statistics area for Game Results will now be hyperlinked to the Player's Profile page.
Live Games and Instant Replays
- The Live Game viewer now shows the time remaining in the period. As such the game time has been stripped off the play-by-play text. You will also note
it may take a few play by play "ticks" for the clock to kick in.
- Instant Replays are now available. Sometimes you're too busy to watch the live game when its played so now you can watch it when you get home. You will
find an Instant Replay link beside each game when you view the Schedule tool in Stats Central. A word of caution to not navigate away from the instant replay
if you are watching it half way through, otherwise the instant replay will start over from the beginning.
- Live Games now features a working Shot Tracker. This feature will kick in only for games played after this current release. When the Shot Tracker is not
available a "NA" will appear.
- Live Games (and Instant Replays) will now show one ad before the beginning of each period. Three random ads in total will be injected into the play by play between
periods so the play does not get interrupted. Advertisements are text strings that can contain hyper-links to external websites. They are meant to be UHS
or hockey-related (so advertising for your league, etc). At this point in time, putting up an advertisement is free. Just contact us at and let us know what you want to put up.
GM Controls
- Going along with the re-design theme, we've added tabs to the GM's home page. The information you normally see on your home page will still be present... you just
won't be able to see it all at once. We've also gone ahead with some changes to the structure of the data to make things a little more clean than it is now.
We hope you like the changes!
- We have added a "Mass Move" function at the bottom of each roster in your Personnel area. You will be able to move multiple players to the pro, farm or juniors
with a single submission instead of having to go through each individual player to move them.
- Your Team Finances page has been changed up a little bit. Instead of showing the team finances and ledger on the same page, the Ledger now has a location of it's own.
You will find it by clicking the "Ledger" link in the Finances sub-menu. Additionally, the "Arena" link has been renamed to "Arena & Ticket
Prices" to make it a little more clear exactly what is in there.
- The Team Finances home page itself has been re-structured slightly to make it a little more clean and easier to read. We hope you like it.
- GMs now have the option of opting out of UHS email messages. This option can be found in the Account section.
Player Profile Pages
- Player Profile pages have undergone a bit of a face-lift. Each page will now feature a hockey silhouette (a placeholder for an upcoming Faces development) in addition to
some re-ordered information. You will also notice tabs allowing you to select which set of statistics you want to view for the player. By default the Regular Season
statistics will load. The Game Records and Scoring Streaks have been removed in favour of this newer, sleeker look. You will also notice that statistic rows that
apply to pro teams have been bolded so they stand out a little more.
- Additionally, we have removed the display of EN goals, Goals Scored and Penalty Shot information from the Goaltender Statistics on the Player Profile page. We are still
tracking them and they are still available, however, overall they don't matter and were taking up valuable space.
- Also, we have removed the display of GT goals, OT goals, First Goals, Face Off Wins, Face Off Loses and Penalty Shot information from the Player Statistics on the Player Profile
page. As with the goaltender stats we are still tracking them and they are available, however, overall they don't matter and were taking up valuable space.
- We also fixed a bug in the Player Profile pages where the totals would accumulate for both pro and farm if the player split his time in both levels during a given season.
- Fixed an issue where manually setting Farm lines would delete a team's pro lines. (released May 26 2010).
- Fixed an issue where a GM's alert section would show an issue with their farm lines when the lines were actually perfectly fine. (released May 26 2010).
- Fixed an issue where the Even Strength, Power Play and Penalty Killing links on the Farm Lines page would bring a user back to the pro lines page. (released May 27 2010).
BUILD 1394 - June 3 2010
- Player streak determination logic has been changed. One of the key things we've done is select a handful of stats and assigned points to them. A check
is made against this factor and if it passes your player's streak will change (with an exception). In cases where your player is already on the same type of
streak that they successfully made a check against (he's on a hot streak and passed the hot streak factor check for today's game), no change will be made to the
player's streak or number of games on the streak. Additionally, if a player is on a hot streak and successfully passes the cold streak check they will
automatically come off the hot streak, but let's be clear... they will NOT be on a cold streak. A player cannot go from Hot to Cold in one game. They
can either go from Hot to No-Streak or Cold to No-Streak. It would require another game played (and successful streak check) to have the player go to Hot or Cold.
- It is key to note that Player streaks will now have a fixed number of games. The player is guaranteed (with one exception) to be on a hot or cold streak for
a randomly determined number of games. The only way to break a streak is to successfully pass the streak check for the opposite streak a player is on.
- After every game a team plays, all players, regardless of whether they played, will lose one game off their streak.
- GMs are no longer able to see whether a player is on a hot or cold streak. This information is treated the same as the chemistry field. If you notice
an improvement in a player's stats it's likely he's on a hot streak and likewise for a cold streak.
- Commissioners can now control the number of rounds they have in their inaugural draft. The feature is only available while your league is in Season 1 -
OffSeason. If you have advanced your league into the PreSeason or beyond you will not be able to access the field.
- Career Stats for Players and Goalies are now available in the statistics area. There will be a Career Statistics link for Pro, Farm and Junior in both the Regular
season and Playoffs.
- Fixed an issue where manually setting Farm lines would delete a team's pro lines. (released May 26 2010).
- Fixed an issue where a GM's alert section would show an issue with their farm lines when the lines were actually perfectly fine. (released May 26 2010).
- Fixed an issue where the Even Strength, Power Play and Penalty Killing links on the Farm Lines page would bring a user back to the pro lines page. (released May 27 2010).
BUILD 1362 - May 23 2010
- Player rerates have been changed slightly. We have added code to introduce a little more randomness into whether a player rerates or not. You can no
longer guarantee a player will rerate in any given characteristic / skill as there is now a slight chance the player will not rerate at all. This is true
for any kind of rerates: positive or negative. The skill will either rerate or not.
- Additionally, you can no longer manipulate a player's statistics in order to guarantee a rerate. The more ice time you give your players compared to the
previous season the better a chance they will have to rerate positively. While you will still have some control over your player's stats and rerate direction,
this change makes rerates a little more realistic where players with more ice time will generally provide better results and learn more.
- Similarly when a player does not meet the rerate requirements they will have a slight chance to rerate down on each characteristic / skill. Some care has been
given to keep an eye out for first time players so that while they would not meet the regular rerate requirements they would likewise not have the inactivity rerate
logic applied to them.
- Ledger entries for team revenue will now be created when games are simmed using Live Mode.
- All teams, regardless of how poorly they may be playing will be guaranteed a minimum 10% chance to have a free agent accept an offer. To be clear what this does
is check to ensure your signing factor is at least 10%. If it is lower, your signing factor automatically gets bumped up to 10%. This is NOT a signing
bonus applied for all teams.
- Debugging text will no longer be shown when a free agent declines your offer.
- Fixed a bug where the font style bled into the Set Lines tool when a user changes their line type.
- Added a message to indicate your lines were deleted when selecting the blank option in the Line Type changer.
- GMs will now be able to set their Farm Team Rosters and set their Farm Team Custom Line-ups. This will allow GMs to have unprecedented control over how their farm
teams operate. It will also allow a GM to have more control over their prospects as they move up from the juniors into the farm system.
- Added LeagueID to the dbc.php script to differentiate between leagues with the same league name. (released April 23 2010).
BUILD 1309 - April 3 2010
- Trades involving players being bought out will now correctly be voided.
- If a COM changes your account password, your email notification will now tell you what UserName the password change applies to.
- Your team salary and the league's salary cap will now appear in your Team Finances page just under your Game Day Salary.
- Players will now have their chemistry modified slightly towards the team's average chemistry. The average chemistry is based on all players in the organization
(junions, farm, pro). This change is made to reflect the amount of experience a player gets as they age... the older they get the more they will know how
to "get along" and know how to fit into a team. This also means older players are less likely to impact chemistry modifiers negatively during a
game. This change does not affect players that are not owned by a pro team: undrafted juniors & unsigned free agents will not have their chemistry
- Major reconstruction of the Set Lines area has been completed. GMs should notice a significant improvement in the load times of lines and related pages.
We have removed a function that pinged the mysql tables on each drop-down creation in favour of loading all lines and applicable players (those set in the game
roster) into memory and having them searched / sorted as necessary.
- Player statistics have been removed from the League Standings area when viewing stats. Instead you can find them by clicking the League Player Stats link.
This was done to reduce the load times of the pages.
- Fixed a bug in the GM Personnel section. The league buy-out percentage was not being applied to the player's buy-out value. This only meant that a player
may not have had the Buy Out option available to the GM.
- GMs will now see an option to Release Player if the buy out value of a player will not cost the team any money. Additionally, a ledger entry will no longer be
made if a released / bought out player will not cost the team any money.
- Fixed a bug where a team's ticket price would remain higher than the maximum ticket price (as set by the COM). When a COM makes a ticket price change all pro
team ticket prices are checked to see if they are over the new max ticket price. Any prices over the new max are automatically readjusted to equal the new max
ticket price.
- Any income from playing a home game (pro or farm) will now have a corresponding ledger entry.
- Teams will now be able to view the draft picks they currently own by going to the Entry Draft section. Clicking the Available Draft Picks link will show all draft
picks presently owned by the team. City names in parenthesis are draft picks acquired from other teams.
- Teams will now be able to automatically generate lines. UHS will place all players from the game roster in lines based on their position and skill. In 4-Line
mode, if you have a 7th defenseman dressed, the autolines function will not work (you'll be left with one or more empty slots on your 4th Even Strength line). In
4-line mode, if all of your extra players are forwards, the autoline tool will place the highest skilled player that is not currently in a line into an empty spot in an
attempt to create full lines.
- Fixed a parse error appearing on line 542 in inc_PersonnelAction.php (March 22 2010 & March 23 2010).
- Fixed an issue where players being added to FreeAgency resulted in old columns/fields being used (March 24 2010).
- Fixed an issue with Free Agency where the first offer time was not being recorded (March 26 2010).
- Fixed an issue with farm teams having the proper goaltender being set if there were three or more goalies in the system (March 29 2010).
- Fixed an issue where a previously injured or suspended (and subsequently recovered) goalie was not being selected in the Farm Auto-Goalie code (April 1 2010).
- Fixed a bug where players or goalies that were previously injured or suspended (and subsequently recovered) were still being reported as unavailable. This resulted
in unnecessary makeweights being created (April 1 2010).
BUILD 1254 - March 18 2010
- Implemented beta version of the UHS Instant Messenger. You can now message another General Manager, COM or Owner in your league and have a live chat if they are
online or leave offline messages. You are able to see whether a user is online (recent activity in the last five minutes) or is offline. Any message will be
kept for a maximum of five days, after which, they will be deleted to conserve storage space. You are only able to contact uhs users that are in the league
you are currently logged into; there is no cross-league communication. You will see a GM name appear as "GM_Team_City_Name".
- The Free Agency process has now changed. All teams are allowed to make a bid on a player. Once a bid has been made, the 24-hour clock starts ticking.
After 24-hours, the team with the highest bid (contract value) will win the player. All bids are hidden from public view. A team can change or retract
their bid within the 24-hour period. If a bid is retracted and there are no bids remaining for the player, the player's 24-hour clock is stopped and will reset
once another team makes a new bid on him. Changing a bid will not reset the 24-hour clock.
- Please note that due to the changes to free agency, any players that may have had an offer and did not pass the 24-hour deadline will be reset.
- Overtime situations with 4-on-4 now can have a 2-man advantage. This will result in a 5-on-3 situation. Additionally, 3-on-3 overtime situations can result
in penalties and powerplays up to a 2-man advantage.
- Coach Free Agency has undergone a bit of a change. You will no longer be able to make an offer to a free agent coach unless free agency is valid. If you fire
your coach you will not be able to see a list of available coaches until free agency has begun for the league.
- Players that are bought out while going through waivers will now be correctly removed from waivers.
- Salary cap fines were being calculated at 100 times less than what they should normally have been. This has been corrected.
- Corrected a bug where a farm team requiring a makeweight would use the last farm team's pro owners to charge their finances.
- Fixed an issue where junior players would not get suspended if the league's AutoSuspend feature was disabled.
- Fixed a bug where a player's name would be shown instead of the coach's name when the coach refused to sign with a team.
- Fixed a bug where a player's Last Salary and Last Contract being zero would result in an incorrect contract offer calculation (0 chance at signing). If a player's
Last Contract VALUE is less than 0.001 it will automatically be changed to 0.1 (default minimum).
- Corrected a divide by zero warning when making an offer through free agency.
- When you conduct your draft you will now see what round it is.
- Added the PickID to the drafting table to allow another means of identifying a draft pick.
- The position of any player selected will now be shown when viewing the Entry Draft selection list (players already selected).
- Fixed a bug where the Overtime types for the regular season were not being set for pre-season games resulting in some games going an excessively long time before randomly
ending. (released March 10 2010).
- Fixed a bug where Live Games would not completely update a league's statistics. Team standings stats were okay, however, player & goalie stats would fail.
(released March 10 2010).
BUILD 1177 - March 7 2010
- COMs now have the ability to set the goal difference and effect for the mercy rule.
- COMs may now set the maximum ticket price a team may charge.
- Fixed an issue where a COM using the Entry Drafter - Highest Skill option would not result in the player actually being owned by anyone.
- COMs now have the ability to select the number of players on the ice during overtime. The options are 5-on-5, 4-on-4 and 3-on-3. This option is
available for both regular season and playoffs. You will be able to set two different even strength levels for regular season and playoffs.
- COMs can set the number of minutes an overtime period is. The options are 5, 10, 15, 20-minute overtime periods. This is option is available for
both regular season and playoffs and can be set differently for either.
- COMs can now set the type of overtime they want. You can select either one overtime period and then end the game in a tie (selected for regular season
by default) or select continual overtime periods until there is a winner (selected for playoffs by default).
- When you specify 4-on-4 or 3-on-3 during overtime, please keep in mind the following scenarios will apply:
4-on-4 lines:
a. 1 home penalty: Home PK3-man lines vs Away PP4-man lines.
b. 2 home penalties: Home PK3-man lines vs. Away PP4-man lines.
c. 1 home penalty & 1 away penalty: teams play with even strength 4on4 lines.
d. 2 home penalties & 2 away penalties: teams player with even strength 4on4 lines.
e. 1 away penalty: Away PK3 lines vs.Home PP4 lines.
f: 2 away penalties: Away PK3 lines vs.Home PP4 lines.
3-on-3 lines: While penalties may be called on any player, no team will earn a power-play, however, the penalized players will still need to serve the entire duration
of the penalty and cannot play.
- Please note the regular season overtime settings will now apply to pre-season games.
- Fixed an error where games run using Auto-Sim would have the league salaries increase without resetting for each game. This resulted in far larger than normal
league salaries for the game's attendance generation. Fixed on September 27 2009.
- Fixed an error that still allowed email recipients to be shown on the To string. Fixed on September 27 2009.
- Fixed an error with SavePoints. All savepoints created thus far have actually been empty. It is recommended you create a save point immediately. You will
not be able to revert back to any old SavePoint due to this error as no data was actually saved. This was a result of a user/pass change forced by our web provider.
Fixed on February 10 2010.
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