BUILD 1056 - September 22 2009
- Jon has completed the emailer system. Now all users can be contacted directly by UHS Admins via email. This will be used to let you know about
updates you need to be aware of. Primarily this is targeted at users that do not log into our message board frequently.
- Email messages sent by UHS will now have recipients added to the BCC list instead of the TO list to not expose their addresses to spammers and/or douche-bags.
- Leagues will now be able to set whether they want to apply a flat fine for salary cap infractions or a percentage fine based on the actual amount the team
is over. These settings will be found in the League Settings area for Owners and Commissioners.
- Team power play advantages will now be tracked according to NHL rules. Previously a team with a 5-minute major powerplay would be credited with only one attempt
regardless of the number of goals they scored. Similarly, double-minors were tracked as one powerplay advantage. This would lead to teams being able
to have a 300% power play efficiency (3 goals on 1 advantage). NHL rules state that double minors are actually two minor penalties and should be treated
as two advantages. Major penalties always contribute one advantage more than the number of goals scored. This means a team can never be 100% on a
powerplay from a major penalty. In the above example, the team would actually have 3 goals on 4 advantages for 75%. Personally, I agree with the
double-minor rule, however, I completely disagree with how major penalties are handled. I almost left that piece of the code out of UHS. I may add an
option in the future to disable this.
- Added variable initialization in an effort to correct an issue with injury saves for a league.
- Fixed a bug where some leagues would not see the culprit name when a player is injured.
- Fixed a bug where a defensive player getting a penalty on a breakaway (ie. hauling down the offensive player) that could result in the defensive player not
being penalized and obtaining a shot on goal.
- Fixed a process issue where contract offers resulting in "Decline", "NoWay" or "Hold Out For Free Agency" were added to the Free
Agency tables even if their current contract was over 0 years. Free Agents will always be added when the league changes from PlayOff to OffSeason and
their contract years = 0.
- Fixed a bug where player injuries were not being recorded in the player/goalie statistics when a game was simmed in Live Mode. Players were still being
marked as injured, however, for the purposes of skill updates at the end of the season the injuries were not being recorded.
- Fixed a bug where players that were inactive even for one season were being forced to retire even if the retirement threshold was greater than one season. The
forced retirement threshold is now properly used when determining if a player should be retired early.
- Fixed a bug where the ledger entries for the medical facility and staff maintenance fees would show up as being 0000-00-00 date.
- The attendance generation logic has now been updated to ensure teams can no longer sell out with absurdly high ticket prices.
- Fixed a bug where the COM was allowed to make a draft pick even though the team had traded the pick away. The owner of the pick at the time of the draft
selection will now receive the player.
- Fixed a bug that allowed a COM to draft a team's pick even though the pick had already been used.
BUILD 1015 - July 11 2009
- Created a report to monitor league activity. This was necessary to assist UHS to identify and eliminate dead leagues. If a league has not
had a user log in within the past 90 days the league owner will be contacted. If no response is heard from the league owner within a week, the
league will be deleted. Only leagues that are older than 90 days will be targeted.
- Fixed a bug that did not change player's Free Agency type from RFA to UFA once the appropriate age had been reached.
- Fixed an error while importing NHL Teams (June 14 2009).
BUILD 1009 - June 8 2009
- Corrected an issue that prevented a team from being added to UHS. This related to the new MoveTeam functionality.
- Corrected an issue that prevented a team from being fined for being over the salary cap.
- Corrected an issue that prevented most UHS leagues from manually updating a player suspension.
- Leagues can now set the default values a player will be signed at when being drafted in the Entry or Inaugural drafts.
- Users can now enter apostrophes and other special characters when entering data into text fields (like Trade Comments, Player Names, etc).
- Fixed a parse error that occurred when attempting to advance a league to another season-type. (May 14 2009).
- Added code to differentiate whether a team truly had no GM or Multiple GMs. (May 15 2009).
BUILD 967 - May 10 2009
- When coaches are fired a line will be shown in the activity log.
- Fixed an issue where the coach name was not shown when successfully firing him from the team.
- There is now no maximum salary value a coach can have. Previous this was incorrectly set to a max of $10 million (carry-over from player contracts).
- Added code to charge a team the maintenance fee for any medical staff or medical facilities they may own. The charge will happen during the Playoffs to Off-Season
transition. These maintenance fees are affected by any cost increases due to the demographics enhancement if enabled.
- Players forced to retire under the age of 30 can no longer become coaches.
- GMs will now see a message stating "No Action Available" when in the Personnel section for players that do not have any available actions. Previously the
GM would see an empty drop-down menu that misled the user into believing something was broken.
- COMs now have the ability to set a maintenance fee on a per seat basis for arenas in their league. When a season changes from Playoffs to Off-Season, all teams will
be charged the maintenance fee. By default this is set to $0.
- Player pages will now show what free agent type the player will be: either Unrestricted or Restricted.
- Fixed a rounding issue that was displayed to the user when making a contract offer. Values of 0.3 would typically be shown as 0.2999999... (April 27 2009).
The actual offer of $0.3 was made... it was just the $0.29999 being shown to the user that is misleading. This is a result of a known javascript floating
decimal issue.
- Fixed an issue where a GM's farm team would not show up in their Personnel section. This was due to a farm team being defunct. (May 1 2009).
- Fixed an issue where a coach would appear twice in the free agency table. This would only happen if the team fires their coach and he had 0 years left on his
contract. (May 2 2009).
- Removed debugging code from being shown when GM accepts a trade. (May 2 2009).
- Fixed a bug where changing a player or coach name would not update the name stored in the Free Agency or Coach Free Agency tables. (May 8 2009).
BUILD 934 - April 27 2009
- Commissioners will now be able to see when users last logged into UHS. this information can be found by clicking "Account" in the COM
menu. If this field is blank it means the user has never logged in.
- Commissioners can now use the Demographics add-on. If enabled, teams that have the same city name as one in the Demographics table will gain both
benefits and penalties on their attendance and expenses. Teams in hockey markets will get an added increase to their attendance (as set by the
COM - default is 10% increase). Teams in major cities will see an added bonus to their attendance, however, they will also see an added cost to
doing business in the big city. Population and data was taken from the latest Canadian and US census surveys.
- If Demographics is enabled, teams will see expenses for Arena Upgrades, Medical Facilities and Medical Staff change slightly compared to teams in other
markets. This includes the seasonal maintenance costs (if any).
- Fixed an abandoned player search script that was only looking for players that had no contract at all. (March 3 2009)
- Corrected an issue with league creation and save point directories.
- Corrected an issue where free agent head coaches would always decline a team's offer (April 25 2009).
BUILD 910 - March 1 2009
- Leagues now have the ability to be reset. This feature is located in the SavePoint area. It is highly recommended the Commissioner create a
SavePoint before performing the reset. Once the reset has completed there is no way to reverse the action. UHS Support will not spend time
attempting to restore leagues that were accidentally reset. Use at your own risk.
- NHL Players now come equipped with more realistic salaries and contracts. Based primarily on their age and skill total, NHL Players will have salaries
and contracts that differ from the default standard of $0.5 million / 4 years.
- All Leagues now have their WebTemplate files uploaded to their subdomains only if it was previously empty. New leagues will now have the WebTemplate
files uploaded upon creation to ensure there are no "empty" pages when users click on a UHS league link.
- Building on the work in the previous point, the UHS Leagues link to the top left is now live. When a new league is created it will automatically be added
to this list.
- When attempting to view a UHS page before logging in you will now be redirected to that page immediately after logging in. The downside to this is that
it will support pages that are generated by submitting a form (posting the form). You can view team stats & player stats, but you would not be able
to log in and go directly to a particular trade detail. Additionally, when logging in and attempting to go to a location you would not normally have access
to, you will be redirected back to the home page appropriate for your user level.
- Commissioners now have the option of deleting players. Only players that have never played in a game can be deleted. This restriction is imposed to
ensure there is no data quality issues in your league's statistics. Additionally, you will be unable to "undo" this deletion... as such we
recommend you create a SavePoint to back up your league.
- Commissioners now have the option of manually retiring players. Typically this would be done to get rid of any player you couldn't delete because they had
already played a game. Conversely, you can also re-activate players from retirement. The downside of this reactivation is that they will be only be
available as an Unrestricted Free Agent, no matter what their status was before they were retired (whether it was done automatically or manually).
- Every time a Commissioner performs the season increase script a SavePoint will automatically be generated with the season number, type and date/time stamp.
These SavePoints do count against a Commissioner saving more than 5 Save Points, however, you can have an unlimited number of automatic SavePoints created.
The SavePoint is made at a point right before the season change scripts begin execution. For example: the UHL finishes its playoffs in season 1 and invokes
the "Increase Season" tool. The SavePoint is made before any scripts have run and is saved as Season 1 Playoff.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect fatigue value was being recorded for goalie fatigue tracking. This resulted in goalies never being fatigued. All league
goalie fatigue tables have been cleared to ensure we don't have a whole mess of goalie fatigue injuries.
- Fixed an issue where the build id was not being updated sometimes to the most recent build id when a savepoint was loaded.
- UHS users will now see a warning message when a scheduled outage will be occurring in the next fifteen minutes. The message will also show the estimated duration
of the outage. As usual, users will be automatically logged out during a scheduled outage.
- When creating the junior schedules you will now have drop-downs to select the number of games instead of text fields. This brings the junior schedule creation
script in sync with the regular schedule creation script.
- Modified code in the Team creation scripts to address the "empty conference" issue.
- Leagues will no longer be able to add Pro, Junior, Farm teams once they have left the Off-Season phase.
- The ability to add / import NHL Teams has also been removed once a league has left the Off-Season phase.
- When starting a game, the current time is now the default value when running Live Games. The user still has the ability to change the date & time before
the game is simulated.
- When COMs attempt to update live game statistics, the UPDATE will now only appear if there are actually games to update.
- When COMs use the Makeweight Drafter to see the players a team may require only the positions that actually need to be filled will be shown.
- If no teams require any makeweights a message will now be shown. Previously the screen was blank.
- Live Games have now been enabled for all UHS leagues. Previously Live Game mode was available only for TJHL. To use Live Game modes, enter the date/time
(in North American Central Time) that you want the game to "start". Click the camera and your game will be simmed. Statistics will be stored
in separate tables. Your GMs can then log in and click the "Live Game" link in the Around the League box scores on their home page. COMs will
have to manually click the update link (a message will appear in your Alert box when you log in) in order to have the league's statistics updated with the live
game stats.
- Additionally, Commissioners now have Live Game mode available for Auto-play. Similar to Live Game mode for simulating a single game, enter in your date and click
the movie camera. All of the available games for the game day will be simmed and start at that time for GMs to log in and view.
- Navigation links to earlier or later game days will be removed for Commissioners if there are no games available to be played.
- The "Score" columns in the COM's home page have been removed. The columns are unnecessary since the game will not shown up if it's already been played.
- The Pro/Farm/Junior game day placeholders will no longer be shown if there are no games to be played in that league for that given game day. Additionally, when a
season has been completed, the COM will be shown the text "No Games Remaining".
- Fixed issue where players were refusing to negotiate and would generally refuse any contract offer made (February 8 2009).
- Fixed issue where the team salary cap calculation was not taking into account the Farm & Junior salary percentages being set from the League Settings
(February 12 2009).
- Fixed issue where error messages were not being displayed to the user when an account was being created (February 13 2009).
- Fixed issue where NHL Players were still being assigned to a particular team even though the user was importing them via the Player Management tool (and not importing
them to a team) (February 14 2009).
- Fixed issue where players were not being shown in the Entry Draft player drop-down selection (February 14 2009).
- Fixed issue where Farm and Junior conferences could not be deleted (February 16 2009).
- Fixed issue where most leagues would not allow a login due to a problem with the RFACompensation table set up (Feburary 16 2009).
- Fixed issue where newer leagues did not have the TotalRerate field in the Players table. This prevented players from rerating (February 25 2009).
- Fixed an issue where leagues could not use the Create-a-Player function in the Player Management section (February 27 2009).
- Fixed an issue where leagues could not save changes to a player when using the Edit Player function (February 27 2009).
BUILD 812 - February 9 2009
- You can now email UHS support directly using a form. While the best method of contacting UHS Support is by posting a topic in the UHS Technical Issues forum,
we thought you would find it better to have multiple points of contact. Before using this form you need to check the UHS Technical Issues forum to see if anyone
else has posted about the same issue you are reporting. In most cases if you are reporting a new issue by email, we will copy and paste your email into a new topic
to ensure other leagues know that a particular issue is going on. In these cases, you will be directed to monitor the forums until a resolution has been found.
- Do NOT put your usernames or passwords in any forum post or support email. UHS will never ask you for your username or password.
- The build history has moved. You can now find the latest release notes on UHS by clicking on the build number under your login information (top right corner of the page).
- All UHS League application forms will now be funnelled to the UHS support email (
- League subdomain information can now be found in the WebTemplate section.
- Fixed the website header, so now when you are logged into UHS it will no longer say "UHS QA".
- Added additional error reporting code for COMs when simming their games. This relates directly to players not having their injuries or suspensions recorded.
Any errors found while simming must be copied and posted to the UHS Technical Issues forum.
- Corrected an issue where the GM of a team was not being notified of any errors with their custom lines. (released January 26 2009).
BUILD 799 - January 26 2009
- Leagues now have the ability to add NHL Teams. Along with this option, Commissioners can opt to add the team players as well. Add one team or all 30 NHL teams.
- Leagues also have the ability to add NHL Players either individually, by team, or all of them. When using this feature, the NHL Players will appear as free agents.
- Fixed bug where leagues using WebTemplate were stuck in "test" mode and only pointed to the UHS test league: chl. (released January 19 2009).
- Updated league application form: removed subdomain request (this is standard with all leagues now) and added a "How did you find us?" question. (released January 21 2009).
- Added an additional check for face-off players to prevent "NULL" or "ghost" players from taking face-offs (and winning them!). (released January 22 2009).
- Added an additional check to ensure that ghost players do not receive the puck during a line change. (released January 22 2009).
BUILD 786 - January 19 2009
- If UHS is locked for maintenance, users will see a red "lock" graphic and message appear where they normally login preventing any logins.
- Updated the League Locked and UHS Locked pages to be more in-line with the UHS website style.
- Added an About UHS section to the table of contents. This section briefly goes over the history of UHS and gives a few shout-outs.
- Fixed bug with an incorrect "double shifting" message when attempting to set Powerplay lines using 4-Line type (released January 14 2009).
- Fixed bug where players with injuries or suspensions were not being detected during custom line checks. (released January 15 2009).
BUILD 780 - January 12 2009
- Fixed issue where junior player jersey numbers were not being checked for duplications or zero-values. This fix will only run when a user level of Assistant
Commissioner or higher is logged in.
- Added a check for when players are moved to the farm when they must be placed on waivers first.
- Fixed an issue where the "Send to Farm" option was given to GMs even though the player was not eligible to skip waivers. This stemmed from the check still
referring to the hard-coded lost waivers variable (set to 1) and has been changed to look at the variable as set by the Commissioner.
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