Relegation League Roster Changes (Hotfix: August 2 2017)
Relegation Leagues are run very differently from standard leagues: There are no farm or junior leagues, so no waivers. In some relegation leagues the AutoGM would treat players under the MaxAgeProtected (by default, age 23), as farm players and mark them as Farm, thereby allowing those players to escape the wrath of the Pro team’s “skill culling” (signing higher skill free agents and buying out lower skilled players).
The following changes will take effect for Relegation Leagues only:
– Teams will be allowed a maximum of 10 centers, 10 left wingers, 10 right wingers, 16 defensemen and 6 goaltenders for a total of 52 players. (Forwards are added to the list of C, LW, RW as needed).
– Lesser skilled players that fall out of the maximums for each position will be bought out and placed in free agency if the team has enough funds to buy the player out.
– All players, regardless of age are fair game for a pro roster position (even as low as age 15). If they are skilled enough then they are worthy.
When adding new players (using Manage > Players > Add), it may take some time for AutoGMs to get all the best free agents they could possibly have as AutoGMs are limited to making only a handful of offers if their team already meets the minimums for a game roster.
AutoGM teams will still create Makeweight players if the team’s next scheduled game is expected to occur before their free agents are signed (this is done to ensure all AutoGM teams have a game roster set).