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UHS Build 11138 – Building a Foundation (Six)

May 6th, 2017 by Stone

UHS Build 11138 – May 2017
This build is more focused on the Public Site front-end to make the site more responsive by device as well as adds a few back-end system improvements.

Public Site Overhaul
The public websites for all leagues have been given a much needed overhaul. The sites were made with Foundation 6 with the intention that they could be used on pretty much any device. Most of the site is completely new with new or updated functionality. Near the end, we cut a few corners and simply did a Foundation 6 theme update / application so the pages would work. Team pages and the Live Game functionality are part of this and are slated for an update in the future.

One of the more important changes that happened is on the back-end. Previously league websites pulled from their own specific directory… when it came time to deploy an update for public sites, we had to deploy it to 80+ league sites every time. All leagues will now be running from a single directory: PubSite.

Your public website location will be found in UHS when you log in. The Public Site link has been updated to use the new site location… you should copy and send this link to your GMs, especially to GMs that are a member of more than one UHS league. Your LeagueID is passed through URL (don’t worry, we check things to make sure we don’t get an injection attack) so that you can look at the league you want.

By default the PubSite league will show TJHL (our original and official testing league).

The long-term goal here is to move the UHS site towards a responsive platform, using Foundation 6 and the Public Site as the basis for the change.

More info on Public Sites can be found at http://wiki.hockeysim.ca/index.php?title=Public_Sites

New Coach Stats
We added some random coach stats… more to fill out the coach’s stats profile. The stats are randomly generated and have no impact on the game or rerates. What do they all mean? We’re leaving that up to you. Some will be obvious, others won’t.

Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous Changes
– Access Logs for leagues will now only keep entries that are 180 days or newer. Anything older will be permanently deleted.

Hot Fixes
– Deployed a logic fix for AutoGMs attempting to sell off players to get under the Salary Cap. The AutoGM will no longer make sell off trade offers if they have made 10 or more attempts to a single team. Additionally, the value of the player will be decreased (desperation) after the 4th attempt by 15% to a maximum of 75% of the regular value of the player.  This will reset once the season has changed over. Deployed February 8 2017.
– Deployed a fix to Leagues’ season change-overs where the offer tables for free agency were not being purged.  Deployed February 8 2017.
– Fixed an issue where team account balances would be recalculated without considering Marketing Revenue. Deployed February 8 2017.
– Beefed up AutoGM trade logic to protect younger prospects from getting traded for low return players. Deployed February 19 2017.

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NHL player and movement data courtesy of CapFriendly.com.