UHS Build 7468 – December 2 2014
It’s been a full two months since our last Build Release. This build does not focus on any one aspect of UHS, instead, it has a smattering of developments that should help out most people. The major changes include: Chemistry Unhidden, Game Deletions, Defenseman Scoring Adjustments, Time Zones that actually work as well as some adjustments to the AutoGM trade logic.
Chemistry Unhidden (sort of) + Rerate Updates
For leagues that allow skills to be shown, Chemistry will now be shown on the player’s profile, team’s personnel pages and COM’s team rosters. Skills Hidden leagues will continue to have Chemistry completely hidden.
Chemistry changes from a 1.0 – 10.0 range to 1.00 to 9.99 range. Any player with a Chemistry value of 10.0 will be immediately changed to 9.99.
Chemistry will rerate only if your league has rerates enabled and will use new rules (previously Chemistry was rerated based on average chemistry for team). All players will now rerate towards 5.5. While 5.5 can be considered “perfect” Chemistry, values anywhere in the 4.0 to 7.0 range will likely provide Chemistry bonuses for players on the same line.
When rerating, if a player has a Not Applicable or Decrease rerate, their Chemistry will rerate by a random value between 0.01 and 0.24. If the player has a No Change or Increase rerate, their Chemistry will rerate by a random value between 0.25 and 0.50.
Defensemen Scoring
In some leagues D-men lead the league in goal scoring, in others it’s all Forwards. Such is the way of RNG. However, there is a tendancy for D-men to score a little too much. As such I’ve added a buff to the Tip chance when a D-man (or rather someone placed in the Defense position) takes a shot on goal. The Tip Chance will increase by 25% when a D-man is taking a shot.
Finally, we’ve added consideration for timezones. The underlying code was always there… it just never really worked. I’ve gone through all the date/times that are shown to COMs and GMs and have added whatever timezone is applicable to the user.
In order to set your timezone, log into UHS and click your username at the top-right of the screen. You will see the options available for setting the number of hours your timezone is off of Pacific Time (server time). There are two timestamps (one the server time and one your new timezone) for you to use to make sure you’ve entered the correct offset. Please keep in mind the offset is in whole hours.
Game Deletions
Commissioners now have the ability to delete previously played games from UHS. This tool should only be used if absolutely necessary. Before using the tool, please make a SavePoint… things may not turn out as you (we) expected.
Games being deleted must meet the following criteria:
– Be in the current Season.
– Be in the current Season Type (Pre-Season, Regular Season, Playoff).
– Must be played in Build 7468 (this build) or higher. Games from previous builds cannot be deleted.
Team, Player, Goalie and Coach statistics from the selected game will be completely reversed from UHS. There are some key points to consider:
– Injuries and Suspensions will not be affected. If a player was hurt, the COM will need to manually update the player.
– Team Win/Loss streak RECORDS will not be updated.
Farm League Toggle
There is a new Farm League Enabled setting in the General Settings for your league. You can now disable having a Farm League… please note this will also disable Waivers. By default Farm Leagues are enabled.
Players on Deactivated/Deleted Junior Teams
Going forward players on Junior Teams being either Deactivated or Deleted will no longer have their ownership rights removed. Instead, they will be moved to a random active Junior Team. This is being done to ensure Junior Players remain on a visible team. Junior Players should not be in “Free Agency” until they are 21 or there are no active Junior teams available for placement.
For Commissioners that want to control where the junior players end up, you should manually move each player to their new team before deactivating or deleting their current team.
Simming an Off Day
Commissioners now have the ability to Sim an Off Day. This will simply decrease the number of Injury Games and Suspension Games by 1 for all players in the league.
When there are no players on waivers a message will now be shown instead of an empty table.
AutoGM Trading
The AutoGM weighting has been removed from the code where the AutoGM initiates a trade. It should be more likely now to see AutoGMs trading with each other.
Stats Central
The PlayOff Tree will now be the default stat view loaded when the league is in the Playoffs.
Games appearing in the Schedule area will no longer have an Instant Replay link if they have not been played or if they are Not Needed.
Retirement Outputs
The activity output for player retirements will now show the player’s age or “NA” if the age cannot be found.
Coaches and the Cup
Coaches will now have their Cups shown on their profile. Previously Cup victories for coaches were not being recorded.
NHL Only option
I’ve added an NHL only option for New Leagues and for Commissioners resetting their league. Previously, the NHL option added all NHL, AHL, and OHL teams.
All Pro Teams to AutoGM button
Commissioners will now have an option to change all Active Pro teams to be managed by the AutoGM. Doing so will remove the access for any assigned human GMs for those teams.
Bug Fixes
– Fixed an issue where saving the Entry Draft settings would result in errors appearing on the screen.
– Fixed an issue where the Manual GM trade weight was being applied to trades offered by the AutoGM.
– Fixed an issue where AutoGMs might not switch out their goalies, resulting in unnecessary fatigue injuries.
– Fixed an issue where the roll for Lawyer suspension appeals was being printed to the screen.
– Unused Draft Picks from previous seasons will no longer appear in the Team Draft Picks page.
– Fixed an issue where the actual Last Rerate values were not being shown despite the league having Skills Shown.
Hot Fixes
– Fixed back-end code to remove some restrictions on players being moved to the juniors. Released October 2 2014.
– Fixed an issue where juniors having played games in other seasons were not be allowed back to the Pro or Farm team. Released October 7 2014.
– Fixed an issue where the Makeweight Creation button would not show up even if the team was below the minimum number of players for each position. Released October 9 2014.
– Fixed an issue where AutoGMs were timing out when the AutoGM trade frequency was set to 0. Going forward if the AutoGM Trade Frequency is set to 0, AutoGMs will no longer initiate trades. Released October 29 2014.
– Fixed an issue where suspended players would not have an Activity line inserted if the player they injured had an apostraphe in their name. Released on November 3 2014.
– Fixed an issue where players with less than 10 GP in the previous season were getting random farm rerates (UP and down) despite there being a farm schedule played. This should have resulted in the player randomly rerating DOWN only. Released as hotfix on November 27 2014.
– Fixed an issue where the Rookie GP Pct setting was always being set to 0. Released as hotfix on November 28 2014.
– Fixed an issue where Prospect Scouting reports were not being completed despite the team being charged. Released as hotfix on November 28 2014.