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UHS Build 6117 Released – Earlier Than Expected

March 20th, 2014 by Stone

UHS CogUHS Build 6117 – March 20 2014
This build comes a little earlier than I wanted as there were some bug fixes that were made to some scripts that had pending new developments.  Typically I’m aiming for the end of each month to release a new build (if there is one) and some of the bug fixes needed to go in sooner than later.

Advance Season Change
When a league has not completed their Entry Draft they are prevented from advancing the league to the Pre-Season (this is defined as a Full-Stop).  We are changing this from a Full-Stop to a Warning.  A message will appear on the screen with the warning, however, the COM will still be shown the Advance Season button.  This is being done as some leagues may handle their Draft outside of UHS.

Attendance Tweaks
We found that the last attendance change we made resulted in 100% sell-outs in the games we sampled.  Decided to make a few changes to bring that number to just over 50% (actually worked out to be 60%).  Base (starting) attendance is 50% of Arena Capacity.  Win Pct Threshold was reduced from 0.500 to 0.400 to make it easier to attract fans to the game.  Streak modification pct was changed from 1% base to 2.5% base.  Modifications are always applied against the Arena Capacity and then added to the Base Attendance.  Please see “The Attendance Topic” for more information.  Released as a hotfix on March 7 2014.

Edit Player Drop-Down Option
COMs will now have an “Edit Player” option appear in the drop-downs for players.  Selecting this will take the user directly to the Edit Player screen.  There was a little bit of overhead that needed to be added to get this done, however, I’m not seeing excessive load times currently, so hopefully we’ll be fine as we go down the road.

Manage Players – Current Free Agents
You can now view a list of all players listed in free agency in your league.  The list of free agents will be a blend of the player information you will see in the regular Manage Player list and the GM Free Agency list.

Roster / Line buttons
COMs will now see Roster and Lines buttons in the Teams list section.

Bug Fixes
– Fixed an issue where creating a player would result in an error.
– Fixed an issue where CTRL-Clicking on a team in the COM’s team list would not open that team in the new tab, instead the team is loaded in the current tab while the new tab shows the team list.
– Fixed an issue where Resetting your league would not import new table structure changes made from previous builds.

Hot Fixes
– Fixed an issue where Skaters and Goalies were appearing in both the Skaters List and Goalies List for Available Prospects when the league was conducting an Inaugural Draft.  Released March 7 2014.

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