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UHS Build 5008 Released

November 24th, 2012 by Stone

This is basically a minor release… and only really being done to update the build number.  This build is comprised of hot fixes that have already been released along with some minor debugging and admin functions to help me debug / fix issues.

BUILD: 5008
Release Date: November 24 2012
Next Planned Release Date: Winter 2012 / 2013

This is just a bug fix release. Most of these were released as hotfixes so they should already be “in play”. For the most part all this release does is update the build number.

Bug Fixes
– Fixed two issues with Free Agency where some players that were bid on may not appear at the top of the list and another issue where making a new bid on a free agent that had previously declined would result in an error. Released as hotfixes on October 8 2012.
– Fixed an issue where free agents with multiple bids were not appearing properly. They would appear to be signed by a blank team and $Array offer. Released as hotfix on October 9 2012.
– Fixed an issue where signed free agents would re-appear in the free agency list until the next cron job would run. Released as hotfix on October 9 2012.
– Fixed an issue where retired coaches could still have an impact on a team’s performance. Released as hotfix on October 19 2012.
– Fixed an issue where farm team revenue was not being awarded to Pro Teams if their games were being simmed in Live Mode. Released as hotfix on October 30 2012.
– Fixed an issue where Forwards were being assigned to the C spot in lines before LW and RW. Forwards will now be assigned to C > LW > RW before being assigned back at C on the next line. Released as hotfix on November 1 2012.
– Fixed an issue where teams could have multiple arenas or no arenas assigned to them. This resulted in the simulator returning errors in the cron job. Default will now be 20000 in this circumstance. Released as hotfix on November 3 2012.


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