Tired of all the news about the lockout… you hear about the owners sitting on their hands… and the players heading over to Europe… but there’s no NHL hockey here to watch… that’s about to change!
Unfortunately I don’t have a seat at the bargaining table, but I have the next best thing.
Over the course of this season HockeySim.ca will be simming the entire NHL pre-season and regular season. Cancelled games?? HAH!
We’ve updated all teams to reflect their rosters as per the NHL.com website.
We’ll be simming games four times a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
The pre-season will run from Saturday September 22 to Wednesday October 10.
The regular season will run from Friday October 12 to Friday March 15. We tried to get the schedule to end around April 13 but couldn’t manage to get this done… it was either March 15 or April 28… we chose the former so we could start playoffs while there was still snow on the ground.
We’ll make regular posts after each game day to let you know game results and scores. You can also follow the league at http://uhs.hockeysim.ca/Leagues/lockout/