BUILD: 4872
Release Date: July 11 2012
Next Planned Release Date: Summer 2012
Premium Service Changes:
– Effective immediately we are discontinuing the FTP premium subscription service. As such if there are any options, reports or pages that you would like shown for your league’s web template, please let us know by email or make a post in the UHS General forums.
– Additionally, since FTP is no longer being offered, we are also reducing our premium prices for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual subscriptions. A monthly subscription will now cost $4.99 CAD / month while an annual subscription will save you a dollar off the monthly rate; you’ll have a yearly fee of $47.88 CAD which works out to $3.99 / month.
– We are also lowering our Save Lines rate to 99 CENTS / month as we are no longer going to have to account for FTP storage / usage.
Incoming Trade Notification: If you have opted in to receive emails from UHS you will now receive an email notification whenever a team you run receives a new trade proposal.
Free Agency:
– COMs can now set the number of hours it takes before a free agent will sign. The default is 24 hours.
– COMs can now set the number of hours a GM has to wait after a declined free agent offer. This will prevent users from simply hitting refresh and waiting to hit the 10% minimum chance for signing.
Bug Fixes
– Fixed an issue where queuing games with Regular mode would result in a timestamp error. Released as hotfix on July 6 2012.
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